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Sunday, July 11, 2010


The day is almost here that should change my life. Going to try to eliminate a handicap from my life. The doctors are going to do surgery on my right eye. This is the day, that I thought would never arrive! My fear was that for the rest of my days, my right eye would be blind. Now, when all this happened to me, it seemed that it was just a temporary result of the trauma I was going thru. Just stress, I knew it!! I am bullet proof. WRONG!!! Needless to say, the lack of one eye changes everything in your life, it destroys our ability to do just the simple thing that are part of life, eat, drive, play golf, even mow the grass. I went to a movie a while back, and I was asked if I wanted to go to the 3D version? Really? There is very little depth perception when you only have one eye. Well, there is no need to talk about the horrors of this malady. If you ever want to get the feel, get an eye patch from the pharmacy, leave it on for a day, then report back to me that it was easy. Yes sir, it is lucky me, it is over on Monday!!



Teresa said...

Good Luck! I hope all goes well with your surgery.

I actually have been blind in my right eye since birth so I know what you mean.

el chupacabra said...

Sooooo? How are you? Just hopin' the best for you.